Reusable Bag Ornaments Reminders

I am taking a design thinking certificate course with IDEO. The course has two parts: Insights for Innovation and From Ideas to Action. The first part is meant to help teams understand how to discover pain points and user needs. The second course helps teams implement those insights through ideation and prototyping. My project challenge is: How might we inspire and motivate shoppers to care more about environmental impact while shopping to reduce the amount of plastic waste?

Here is where I need your help! I have created a prototype to help shoppers remember to take their reusable bags into the store. The prototype is a printable pdf with instructions on how to make the “Reusable Bag Ornament Reminders.” Click the download button to save a PDF, and view the carousel of images below to view more about the design!

I’d love to hear if this has helped you remember to take your bags into the store!
Share in the comments below or tag me @foreverjive and use #reusablebagornament on Instagram.

:) Bree